Other Options

Please select the option that best describes what you would like to report.


Report unsolicited emails, texts, or calls

If you are reporting unwanted emails, texts, or calls, click here.

Copyright/Trademark Infringement

Someone copied your content

To review our Trademark Policy and access a form for submitting a complaint concerning Copyright/Trademark Infringement, please click here.

Disclosure Requests

Request registrant information

Info displayed in public WHOIS is limited for privacy reasons. You can learn more about access to non-public domain contact information here.

Invalid WHOIS

Report fake or incorrect registrant information

If you suspect a domain has been registered with fake information, please complete the form located at https://www.godaddy.com/whois by searching for the domain, and then clicking the link "Report Invalid Whois".

Cyber Harassment

Report cyberbullying, defamation, libel, or slander

GoDaddy does not allow illegal content on our customer's websites. However, as a hosting provider, it is not our place to determine if the site you have mentioned is actually engaging in illegal activities. If you suspect any of our customers are using their website to engage in any illegal activities, please help us by contacting your local law enforcement agency, and request them to investigate this situation. Please refer to our Universal Terms of Service Agreement for specifics on our policies.

TLD-Specific Requests

Report issues related to .AU or .UK domains

To advise our .AU domain team of any complaints concerning .AU domains, please click here.

To advise our .UK domain team of any complaints concerning .UK domains, please click here.